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Welcome to La Foret Conference & Retreat Center in Black Forest, Colorado!
Providing Sanctuary for all to consider the transcendent issues of life.

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Upcoming Events:

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In a world which needs compassion, tolerance and love, La Foret Conference and Retreat Center is a not-for-profit organization providing sanctuary for all to consider the transcendent issues of life. Nestled in the heart of Black Forest, surrounded by over 350 acres of majestic Ponderosa Pines, La Foret offers a rustic getaway for retreats, conferences, weddings, family camps and reunions. Open year round, located just North of Colorado Springs, La Foret offers an inspiring oasis of scenery in a peaceful, private setting. 

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Plan your next event here in the beautiful Black Forest of Colorado!

La Foret is happy to host a variety of events year-round. Some of our popular inquiries are featured above, and we are always open to something new. Have something else in mind? Inquire with our Guest Services Associates and let us know how we can help you!

Camps and La Foret Events

Experience the transformational power of outdoor ministry events. La Foret has a rich history of collaboration with the Rocky Mountain Conference of the United Church of Christ in providing opportunities for campers of all ages.


Support La Foret

We individually and collectively thrive through the grace of God. We need spiritual strength, internal peace, tolerance for differences, and inclusion as a natural paradigm with a whole-world view. Only a path of deeper spiritual awareness and the ability to act leads to solutions in our troubled environment. This requires intentional hard work that never ends. La Foret strives to enable this path. To succeed, we as a people of God, must have time and space for thought, learning and planning that is natural and peaceful. We must find sanctuary to seek and allow transformation. For each individual this sanctuary will be different – a special place, a church sanctuary, a place in nature or a special group of people. This is precisely what La Foret offers – sanctuary in a variety of forms for all to consider the transcendent, space removed from daily clutter for learning and reflection, and quiet to allow for listening and for natural relationships to grow and flourish. In the case of La Foret, this takes the form of a remote natural peaceful setting with shelter, healthy and natural food, and quiet that creates the possibility of a transforming experience for individuals and groups. We seek to grow this capability for the benefit of all.

La Foret operates as a 501(c)(3) under the umbrella of the Rocky Mountain Conference UCC. All contributions are tax-deductible.

Call the office for more information on how to support La Foret.

(719) 495-2743

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6145 Shoup Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80908, USA

(719) 495-2743



La Foret 

6145 Shoup Rd.

Colorado Springs, CO 80908, USA

Phone: (719) 495-2743


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